Evaluation of deep learning techniques for acoustic environmental events detection


  • Svetlana Segarceanu Beia Consult International, Bucharest, Romania
  • Inge Gavat Politehnica University of Bucharest, Department of applied Electronics and information engineering, Bucharest, Romania
  • George Suciu Beia Consult International, Bucharest, Romania


environmental sound recognition, deep neural networks, spectral features


Environmental sounds detection plays an essential role in computer science and robotics as it simulates the human function of hearing. It is applied in environment research, monitoring and protection, by allowing investigation of natural reserves, and showing potential risks of damage deduced from the environmental acoustic. In this paper we present experimental results of attempts to separate different types of acoustic events from continuous environment recordings. We apply some deep learning approaches i.e., Deep Feed Forward networks, and Long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks, feeding at input several types of parameters: spectral, cepstral and temporal features, and assessing various input/output data organization, or network configuration. The methods are evaluated and compared with some classical methods explored before.


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