On modeling the mechanical behavior and texture evolution of rolled AZ31 Mg for complex loadings involving strain path changes
AZ31 Mg, visco-plastic self consistent model, stress-path changes, texture evolutionAbstract
An accurate description of the deformation response of AZ31 Mg under changing strain paths requires consideration of its strong anisotropy and its evolution with accumulated plastic deformation. In this paper, the viscoplastic self-consistent mean field crystal plasticity model, VPSC, is used for modeling the room-temperature deformation of rolled AZ31 Mg for a variety of loading paths. First, a step-by-step procedure, to calibrate the material parameters based on simple monotonic tensile and compressive mechanical test data is outlined. The good agreement between measured and predicted textures for these strain paths attest to the robustness of the identification. Next, it is investigated whether with the same set of parameters it is possible to predict the response of a thinner AZ31 Mg sheet. Specifically, it is shown that the model can predict with accuracy the macroscopic stress-strain response and texture evolution for loadings involving stress path changes. The interplay between slip and twinning and its influence on work hardening are well described.
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