Optimal design of taper roller bearing arrangements. Part I: objective function


  • Lucian Tudose
  • Simion Haragas
  • Cristina Tudose
  • Nicoleta Predeleanu
  • Costel Ursache


bearing loads, slope-deflection method, taper roller bearings


Contrasting previous works in this peculiar field, where bearing rolling elements deformations are regarded as the result of known loads ? most likely obtained from the shaft static equilibrium, neglecting the bearing deformations ? a system approach conveying ineluctably different results is thereby proposed. The method is grounded on a straightforward theory: when the static equilibrium of the shaft is reached, the loads and moments transmitted from the shaft to the bearings must be balanced by the loads and moments arisen due to the elastic deformations of the rolling elements. In this approach, the formers are obtained using the slopedeflection method, whereas the latter may result from a deformation model of rolling elements of the bearing. The succeeding part of the paper render the precise use of the method broached, mirrored in life calculations of the bearings of particular arrangements. The optimal design of a bearing arrangement (from the maximum bearing lives standpoint) is ultimately illustrated.


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