Influence of modeling criteria on the response of steel frame structures to column removal


  • Ioan Marginean Politehnica University of Timisoara, Civil Engineering Faculty, CMMC Department, Romania
  • Florea Dinu Politehnica University of Timisoara, Civil Engineering Faculty, CMMC Department, Romania
  • Jana Slancarova Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
  • Radim Mach Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


progressive collapse, steel frame, robustness, dynamic increase factor, deformation capacity


Structures for buildings, as well as other engineering structures, must be designed to withstand local damage without compromising the stability and load bearing capacity of the structural system. In case of framed structures, critical scenarios typically involve damage or loss of a column, which case be followed by the spread of the damage to neighboring elements and thus triggering the generalized (or progressive) collapse. The paper presents the results of numerical studies carried out on current building frame typologies, designed to withstand gravity and seismic loads. Accidental situations include different column removal scenarios, and methods of analysis include both static and dynamic analyzes. The ability to redistribute loads and dynamic behavior associated with sudden column removal depend both on the local response (strength, ductility) and on lateral load resisting behavior.


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