Performance Comparison of Optimization Algorithms for the Design of Robots


  • Anisia Neamtiu Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Veturia Chiroiu Institute of Solid Mechanics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Catalin Boanta Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Cornel Brisan Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania


optimization, algorithm, methods, performance, comparison, robot, efficiency, efficacy


The design of robots is a complex task, that requires to identify the most suitable architecture of a robot that satisfies specific criterions. In such cases, optimization methods are used in order to identify the optimal values of certain parameters that describe the architecture of a robot that satisfies the criterions or lead to high kinematic, static or dynamic performance. The optimization methods are implemented using several optimization algorithms, that have to be chosen according to the type of the involved parameters, the cost functions and the imposed constraints. The results of an optimization are influenced by the type of the implemented algorithm, regardless of its type. This is why, for the same optimization problems, two or more algorithms may achieve different results and require different computational time and resources. Consequently, the problem addressed in this paper is represented by the comparison of several optimization algorithms, in order to identify their degree of efficiency and efficacy for optimization of robots, taking into considerations different performance criterions.


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