On the uniaxial deformation of nonhomogeneous materials


  • Valerica Mosnegutu Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Iulian Girip Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ligia Munteanu Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Rodica Ioan Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Veturia Chiroiu Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania


Tzitzeica surface, constitutive law, nonhomogeneous materials


The aim of the paper is to find a parametrical representation for the constitutive laws for which the motion equations can be associated to a pseudospherical surface with negative Gaussian curvature K. These constitutive laws suggest the existence of a Tzitzeica surface for which the ratio K/d4 is constant, where d is the distance from the origin to the tangent plane at an arbitrary point.


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