Review procedure
Copyright information
The submission of a manuscript carries with it the author's assurance that it has not been copyrighted or published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, and, after being accepted by Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences - Applied Mechanics, it will not be published in another journal.
Review procedure
Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences - Applied Mechanics is a peer reviewed journal.
The scientific papers submitted for publication in this journal are reviewed by two scientists in applied mechanics and mechanical engineering in order to get their opinion on the quality and novelty of the submitted paper, its relevance to the field, its appropriateness for the journal, etc.
The reviewers' evaluations converge to one of the following explicit recommendations concerning the publication of the paper:
- to unconditionally accept the manuscript or proposal;
- to accept it with further improvements from the authors, in certain suggested aspects;
- to reject it, but encourage revision and invite resubmission;
- to reject it outright.
The reviewers remain anonymous to the authors. They do not act as a group, do not communicate with each other, and are not aware of each other's identities or evaluations. The role of the reviewers is advisory, and the editor is under no formal obligation to accept their opinions. The opinions of the two reviewers are judged by the editor, i.e., the Scientific Editorial Board of Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences - Applied Mechanics. If reviewers' opinions coincide or are very close, so they agree, then the editor follows these opinions. But if the reviewers disagree substantially about the quality of a work, e.g., very positive and very negative reviews for the same manuscript, then the editor firstl y asks further details from the reviewers, and then invites the authors to correct and improve the paper so that to respond to the negative opinion of one of the reviewers. The editor may also ask for one or more additional reviews as a tie-breaker. Finally, the editor makes the decision concerning the publication of the paper.