Manufacturing method for bicycle saddle from carbon/epoxy composite materials
bicycle saddle, Carbon fiber reinforced polymer, composite materialsAbstract
The fiber reinforce polymer in the last decades had a very impressive development. Currently, it is used in almost all of the areas from fashion to aerospace. In this paper, a new method is proposed for design and manufacture of bicycle seat post from carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) Starting to design piece, to final prototype by CFRP is presented. The design procedure using an anatomical analysis of the ischoion bone and the cycling position are presented. In the seat post design CATIA V5 packages was used, where finite element analysis of the applied loads was performed, as well. The manufacturing method using autoclave curing and vacuum bag technology to obtain the seat post prototype from CFRP was presented. The weight of bicycle seat post obtained is 43 grams and 73 grams including the fixation bars. This represented 4 times lighter like plastic/leather performance saddle. Using this method the number of the CFRP layers and the corresponding reinforced materials architecture were determined.
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