Control moment coefficient methodology validation for eVTOL sizing
eVTOL preliminary Design, Controllability, Rotor saturation, Tracking Error, Control Effort, Control ArmAbstract
This paper presents a novel approach for the preliminary design of electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft that utilizes the new Control Moment Coefficient (CMC) to size electric motors and to determine the rotor location and incidence angle. The CMC is determined for both thrust and arm length in eVTOL aircraft design, and is used to measure the moment produced by the rotors in the roll, pitch, and yaw axes. Analyzing its dimensionless value thus allows insights into an eVTOL aircraft's controllability. To test our methodology, two eVTOL aircraft were used in flight tests, one of which had up to 126% higher CMC values than the other. The results of the flight tests showed that a higher CMC value yielded many benefits, including an increased margin of safety between the rotors and the saturation level, reduced tracking error, and reduced control effort (or energy consumption).Furthermore, the 126% increase in the dimensionless CMC related to the pitch resulted in a 30% increase in the Pulse-Width Modulation - PWM margin of safety of the rotors at the saturated level while still maintaining a reasonable tracking error and a 97% decrease in the pitch control effort. Our research suggests that incorporating higher CMCs into the preliminary design of an eVTOL aircraft can significantly improve its safety and controllability. We hope that our findings will encourage further exploration of this promising approach in future.
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