History of Romanian technology and industry. A short presentation of the treatise


  • Dorel Banabic Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, Romania


History, Technology, Industry


Along the decades, the history of Romanian technology has been tackled in Romanian specialised literature in several books authored by historians, engineers, industrialists, and sociologists. Nevertheless, it is scarcely known outside the borders of Romania. This is due, among other reasons, to the insufficient popularisation in widely spoken languages of the history of Romanian technology and main Romanian contributions to the world’s technological heritage. Romania is mentioned in encyclopaedias of the history of technology and of world inventions especially for its contributions in the fields of aviation and aeronautics. Such publications leave out numerous names of Romanian engineers and inventors who have had significant contributions to the development of Romanian and global technology. The History of Romanian Technology and Industry treatise aims to contribute to promoting the valuable achievements of Romanian technology both at home and abroad (through its English edition).


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